all Zweiradler Tours

Days 195–207Be’er Sheva – Wadi Rum

FAQ: Longtime Travel Bureaucracy Part 3 (Travel Health Insurance)

Wadde hadde Wadi da?

Published on 26.01.2023, 13:50 in Wadi Rum, Jordan

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Wadde hadde Wadi da?.

After the green northern Israel and the sparingly overgrown West Bank, we’re now really going into the desert. With 30 mm precipitation per year, the Negev in southern Israel is quite dry even for deserts. Only in the Wadis – i.e. the river valleys that only run water when it has rained recently – you can find a few hard-boiled bushes, shrubs and small trees. Because of this, and because the water has drawn sand and rocks in elegant shapes, the Wadis are oases of beauty in an otherwise uniform sea of beige. Behind the border in Jordan, the most famous of all Wadis is waiting for us: the Wadi Rum – from our point of view, far ahead among the top three most beautiful places on earth. We spend five days here in a camp, 10 km from the next village and the next street. But as far as deserts are concerned, this episode is just the beginning.

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We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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