all Zweiradler Tours

Days 1–3Karlsruhe – Waldenbuch

FAQ: Idea of the Tour

First Stop Chocolate Workshop

Published on 04.07.2022, 23:12 in Waldenbuch, Germany

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Erster Halt Schokowerkstatt.

In the very first episode of our brand-new Zentralasien-Tour-Podcast we speak about the start of our tour on the 2nd of July, 12 o’clock in front of the Karlsruhe Palace and the first days of our grand expedition. Cultural highlight so far: The Ritter Sport chocolate museum in Waldenbuch! Of course, pure exotic is something else, but for being on the road for only two days now, this is at least something ;-)

We always appreciate your critisism, praise and other suggestions or hints and invite you to send us them via!

We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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