all Zweiradler Tours

Days 471–500Tbilisi

The Commonwealth of Unrecognized States

FAQ: Survey Among Bicycle Travellers

A Mixed Bag From Tbilisi

Published on 13.11.2023, 17:13 in Tbilisi, Georgia

This report’s podcast is only available in german:  Ein bunter Strauß aus Tiflis.

Our first real winter break episode comes with a mixed bag of topics. We made ourselves comfortable in our new, small apartment in the middle of a nested courtyard along a small cobblestone alley in the center of Tbilisi and explored the main sights of the city center from here. We stumbled into an Orthodox service in the largest church in Tbilisi and then ended up in front of an oversized sanitary napkin in the middle of the city. We also report on the results of our small survey of fellow cyclists, our new detailed Google map and explain what three members of the Commonwealth of Unrecognized States are all about.

We always appreciate your critisism, praise and other suggestions or hints and invite you to send us them via!

We are going to get on our bicycles once again and further collect kilometers :-)

See you again soon!

Zweiradler Tours: Central Asia Tour


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